Folk Literature, subject to learn!
´According to MacEdward Leach (SDFML 1984:401-402), “Folklore is the generic term designate the customs, beliefs, traditions, tales, magical practices. Proverbs, songs etc.,; Tales have been taken over by movies and animations today. But, on the other side of the region where there are no buildings and fresh green grasses breathe, orature- an art of passing down tales from word to mouth is practiced. The first man to narrate. Amazing man indeed! Folk literature is a module or subject we learn here in Sherubtse, Kanglung. It is about discovering and learning about old stuffs like, Folktales and folk materials. It might sound antique at first but it is not as the course proceeds. The class begins with defining and understanding terms like, Folklore, folkloristics, etc which are also the key words of this subject. When these get over, we A.K Ramanujan and our very own Aum Kunzang Choden with...