
Showing posts from November, 2014

ROARING SIXTY, a tribute to my king.

There showered happiness in the world, angels danced in glory, when you were born. I’ve read of him I’ve heard of him I’ve seen him from far A kind king to all hearts All kings.                                                                 How I always slept and woke                                                                  In my little world next to him.                                                                  I always wanted to be him                                                                  With time only to grow                                                                   For such a dream                                                                   Only a beautiful dream I shall always know.   Thou were seventeen To be our sire, our king, Young enough, the world mayn’t have ever seen. Ere, thou could even feel The charm of youth Thou made us grow in peace. Gratitude sire, gratitude my handsome king.   


THIS IS A STORY I HAVE WRITTEN ABOUT A BOY NAMED GYATSHO, AND OF COURSE HIS FAMILY. IT IS ABOUT FAMILY, LOVE AND ALL THAT YOU'LL KNOW AS YOU GO ON READING. DO ENJOY... “I’m sorry”. A mute shivering body drenched in red laid next to him. His hands shaking like the words he just uttered in turmoil. In a bit of distance that could have barely made ten steps stood a woman who calmed him with a blind mouth, and whose presence comforted his fear. Near her was a garden shovel. She stood there gazing at him in tears,and a long piece of cloth on her neck as if a thick thread worn like a like thin scarf, which might have been the edge piece of her dress that was torn from the bottom. In an illusion of darkness and red hands, fear and the random thoughts in mind, the woman started blurring in his eyes and in a while everything went dark. “Gyatsho!Gyatsho!” a hastening ApDrukpa shook his sleeping son, “wake up! You are already late for school and me, for the court”. It was a Sun